Cookies on the site: why they are needed

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the user's computer when he visits a website. Cookies are used to collect and store certain information about users, their preferences and behavior on the website.

The main purpose of cookies is to provide a personalized user experience and improve the performance of the website. They allow a site to remember a user's preferences, such as language, region, or preferred settings, so that the information they need is displayed automatically the next time they visit.

Cookies are also used to track user activity by collecting data about pages viewed, time spent on a site, and clicks on certain items. Another important function of cookies is to store information about a user's session. They can help the site remember that the user has already logged in, so that the next visit does not require re-authorization. Cookies may also be used to track shopping carts at online stores or provide promotional offers and recommendations based on a user's previous activities.

It is important to note that cookies do not pose a security risk to the user's computer and cannot contain personal information such as passwords or credit card numbers. They are limited to transmitting only the information that the user allows the site to collect.

Cookies can be managed and configured in your browser settings. The user can choose whether to allow or disable cookies on specific sites. However, disabling cookies may limit access to some functions and services of the site.

In general, cookies are an integral part of the modern Internet, providing personalization and improving the user experience. They help websites adapt to the needs and preferences of users, creating a convenient and personalized online environment.